
Genetically modified organisms promote free choice.


Seed diversity, which is essential to a secure and resilient food system,
is under serious threat. The development of hybrid seed types and
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), alongside patents and global
trade agreements have eroded seed diversity.
Vandana Shiva, Environmentalist, scientist and author, has tracked and
challenged debates on GMOs and the food system and take-up of
GMOs by corporate agriculture.
“The myth of “free choice” begins with a “free market” and “free trade.”
When five transnational corporations control the seed market, it is not
a free market, it is a cartel. When corporations write the rules of “free
trade,” it is corporate dictatorship, not free trade.
When enforcing patents and intellectual property rights (IPR) laws
written by themselves, corporations prevent farmers from saving seed;
it is not “free choice,” it is seed slavery.
In India, Monsanto has locked local seed companies into licensing
agreements to only sell Bt cotton. The labels have different names, but
they are all “Bollgard,” Monsanto’s Bt cotton. This is illusionary “free
choice”: the reality is seed monopoly.
When corporations spend millions to prevent the labelling of GMOs and
deny citizens the right to know and the right to choose, free choice is
being stifled.”


Food System

