In this section, you can find the resources authored by Misinformation Research Platform members and affiliates.
Curated Publications
Our team at Misinformation Research regularly publish a variety of resources to combat misinformation related to agri-food, climate change, and rural domains. We also curate various literatures on this topic and create various multimedia resources that can be used for training and capacity building initiatives.
Misinformation Research Platform Resources
Our team at Misinformation Research has developed frameworks to fight against misinformation related to agri-food, climate change, and rural domains. Our platform offers a variety of resources that have been curated by our team of experts. We invite you to explore our platform and take advantage of these resources.
Peer-reviewed Journals, Books and Book Chapters
The publications and frameworks developed by our research team.
Student Thesis and Work
Will be updated soon
Other publications, training and tools
See more resources under capacity development
Literature Database Discovery
Our team has been curating a wide range of literature on misinformation research. This research draws from various disciplines including communication studies, political science, and computational science. Additionally, we have a focus on agri-food, climate change, and rural landscape, and we hope to see growth in these areas as our research progresses. You can use various filters for targeted searches and clear the filters to see all available resources. If you wish to contribute to our literature database, you can use the form.