Knowledge Mobilization

Knowledge mobilization is the art of translating information into actionable wisdom.

As part of mobilizing knowledge in the area of misinformation and disinformation, we plan to organize different activities, such as curated conversations, podcasts, and curated publications. Our goal is to facilitate awareness building about the issue, sharing knowledge, and encouraging good practices in solving this complex problem.
Digital development, inclusive innovation and information disorder webinar series: As we continue to advance in the digital realm, tackling misinformation and promoting inclusive innovation are crucial. We are actively engaging in discussions with various stakeholders including scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and land users who have firsthand experience in combating misinformation and disinformation across different sectors such as agri-food, climate change, and the adoption of new and emerging tools. This includes responsible use of artificial intelligence for knowledge mobilization and agri-food and climate development.

Part 1: What and why of Misinformation and Information Disorder: A Conversation with Livestock Farmers and Practitioners

Part2: Agri-food Misinformation: Perspectives of Caribbean Agricultural Advisory Practitioner

Podcast is a more targeted conversations, and include various actors, such as early career researchers, students, scholars, policy makers, practitioner and land users experiencing and working to combat misinformation and disinformation in various development domains, such as agri-food, climate change, other rural development issues, such as health, education, and governance etc
We develop a database of publications (peer-reviewed, and grey publications) based on their relevance, credibility, and impacts. The objective is to facilitate knowledge sharing, and assist scholars and practitioners to retrieve most relevant publication to aid in their work.
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