Many people believe that “natural” and “safe” go hand in hand. They don’t.
As shown in this toxicity table, many of the most potent toxins on our planet are “natural’ (lower is more toxic — see nicotine, rotenone, vitamin D3, lead …). I’m not suggesting that organic farmers use these specific toxins (though they used to use rotenone), simply that it’s wrong to assume that anything natural is healthy.
It’s equally illogical to assume that anything manmade is bad and harmful. To shun everything made in a lab means to shun most modern medicines, from Tylenol to antibiotics.
In fact, man-made chemicals have a big advantage — they can be “tweaked” for performance. During my years in cancer research, I saw talented teams of chemists and biologists “dial up” desired (on-target) effects, like killing cancer cells, and “dial down” the undesirable (off-target) effects, like harming non-cancer cells.