
Plant-based alternatives are always good for the environment.


Despite the undeniable benefits of reducing global consumption of
meat and dairy, not all plant-based alternatives are created equal.
The production of some plant-based milks, for example, which have
been gaining popularity in recent years, is not very sustainable. One
common milk substitute is almond milk. Almonds, the majority of
which are grown in California, are very water-intensive crops, making
their environmental impact disproportionately large. A study funded
by the Almond Board of California in the journal Ecological Indicators
found in 2019 that the average almond grown in the US state requires
12 litres of water. That’s over 10,000 litres for a kilogram of nuts.
Essential to the food chain, the impact of pesticides and methods
used in industrial agriculture have also been linked to the increasing
destruction of bee colonies.
Soya, another common dairy alternative, is causing deforestation in
areas of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. The Brazilian Government
estimates that carbon dioxide emissions associated with conversion
of the Cerrado are equivalent to more than half the total emissions
from the United Kingdom for 2009.


Food System

