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  • How to fight an infodemic

    The article discusses WHO’s efforts to combat the “infodemic” of COVID-19 misinformation through its EPI-WIN platform, aiming to provide accurate information quickly to empower effective public health responses. It emphasizes the challenge…

  • Evaluating the fake news problem at the scale of the information ecosystem

    The author argues that concerns about the pervasiveness and impact of fake news on democracy might be overstated. This indicates that efforts to combat misinformation should also focus on improving the quality…

  • Information disorder: Definitions

    This paper explores the concept of “information disorder,” distinguishing between three types: disinformation (false information deliberately created to harm), misinformation (false information not made with harmful intent), and malinformation (accurate information used…

  • A short guide to the history of ’fake news’ and disinformation

    This report examines the evolution of misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda, tracing their roots from ancient times to the present digital age. It highlights how technological advancements, such as the printing press, radio,…

  • Fake news. It’s complicated

    The paper emphasizes the inadequacy of the term “fake news” in capturing the complexity of the current information ecosystem, which includes both misinformation (unintentional false information) and disinformation (intentional false information). It…

  • Understanding Information disorder

    The article explores the concepts of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation in the digital age, examining their origins and definitions. It emphasizes their influence on society and the difficulties they present to journalism…

  • Politics of Fake News: how WhatsApp became a potent propaganda tool in India

    The paper examines the role of WhatsApp in spreading fake news and political propaganda in India. It explores the platform’s widespread usage and components that facilitate disseminating false information, influencing public opinion,…

  • Country characteristics, Internet connectivity and combating misinformation: A network analysis of Global North-South

    The study analyzes data across 152 countries to examine how global Internet connectivity and national characteristics influence media, information, and digital (MID) education programs. It uncovered that countries with higher international Internet…

  • Why is YouTube Broadcasting Climate Misinformation to Millions?

    This paper examines YouTube’s role in spreading misinformation about climate change despite its stated intentions to fight misinformation through its recommendation algorithms. It investigates how YouTube’s recommendation system promotes climate misinformation videos…

  • The future of truth and misinformation online

    The article explores the divided opinions among experts regarding the future of false and misleading information online. While some believe that advances in technology and societal changes will lead to improvements in…