There is not enough food to currently feed everyone on earth
There is enough food being produced today to feed everyone on the planet, yet by 2020 over 820 million people are considered “chronically undernourished”. Global hunger is on the rise, despite the…
GMOs Are Unlabeled and Impossible to Avoid
It is true that the federal government doesn’t require food from animals that have been raised on feed from GMO plants to be labeled. However, in June 2013, the U.S. Department of…
Almost All Crops Today Are GMOs
It is true that since GMOs were introduced in the 1980s, people in the U.S. have consumed a lot more of them. By one estimate, 70 percent of processed foods in the…
GM Bt insecticidal crops harm only insects and are harmless to animals and people.
GM Bt insecticidal crops pose hazards to people and animals that ingest them. Findings include toxic effects on the small intestine, liver, kidney, spleen, and pancreas, and disturbances in the digestive and…
GM animal feed poses no risks to animal or human health.
GM feed affects the health of animals and may affect the humans who eat their products. Bt toxin protein has been found in the blood of pregnant women and the blood supply…
GM crops increase yield potential.
GM crops do not increase yield potential-and in many cases decrease it. Dr. Doug Gurian-Sherman: “Traditional breeding …can be solely credited with the intrinsic yield increases in the U.S. and other parts…
GM crops decrease pesticide use.
GM crops increase pesticide use. In the first 13 years since their introduction, in 1996, GM crops increased pesticide use by 383 million pounds.
No-till farming with GM crops is “environmentally friendly”.
Claims of environmental benefits are unsound. GM herbicide-tolerant crops, such as Roundup Ready soy, have increased the use of toxic chemicals and led to glyphosate-resistant superweeds. These superweeds and other pests now…
Roundup (Monsanto’s glyphosate) is a benign, biodegradable herbicide.
Roundup is not biodegradable, and was forced by law to remove that claim from its packaging. Roundup persists in the environment and has toxic effects on wildlife. Roundup (Glyphosate) is toxic, and…
GM crops can “coexist” with non-GM.
“Coexistence” rapidly results in widespread contamination of non-GM and organic crops. Germany passed a law making GM crop growers liable for economic damages to non-GM farmers resulting from GM contamination. The law…