“Natural” herbicides and pesticides are always safer than manmade (synthetic) alternatives.
Many people believe that “natural” and “safe” go hand in hand. They don’t. As shown in this toxicity table, many of the most potent toxins on our planet are “natural’ (lower is…
Organic food is free of pesticides and herbicides.
Many people choose organic (and GMO-free) because they think it means they are getting food with no herbicides or pesticides. This is absolutely false. Organic farmers also use herbicides and pesticides, but…
“White potatoes are empty calories with no nutritional value”
Have you seen the Nutrition Facts table for potatoes? You may be surprised to see what this nutrition powerhouse brings to the table! For example, this Nutrition Facts table shows the numbers…
“Multi-grain” is the same as “whole grain”
Multi-grain may not always mean whole grain. Multi-grain means that the food contains different or multiple kinds of grains, but they may not be whole grains. As food ingredients, grains can be…
“Canola has no health benefits”
Canola oil is a plant-based food that has both health and culinary benefits. Did you know it was developed right here in Canada? The name canola is a combination of the words…
Choose Anything Brown
Be it rice, sugar or bread or eggs- brown foods are better than their white counterparts. Explanation: This food myth made waves and was propagated heavily by self-proclaimed “Health Chefs”, and it…
Eat Raw Foods
You need to eat raw foods to avoid the loss of nutrients during cooking. Explanation: Okay, we’ll bite when needed. But we will enjoy wholesome and tasty food too. There is some…
No B12 Deficiency In Meat-Eaters
Eating a non-vegetarian rich diet fulfils the body’s requirement of Vitamin B12. Explanation: Even though meat, fish and eggs are excellent sources of vitamin B-12, you could still be deficient in this…
GM foods are safe to eat.
GM foods can be toxic or allergenic. Peer-reviewed studies have found serious, harmful effects on the health of livestock and lab animals fed GMOs.
Eight Glasses Of Water A Day
Our body contains close to 70% water. However, it is an entirely false misconception that you need to drink two-three litres or about eight glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration. Explanation:…