“White potatoes are empty calories with no nutritional value”
Have you seen the Nutrition Facts table for potatoes? You may be surprised to see what this nutrition powerhouse brings to the table! For example, this Nutrition Facts table shows the numbers…
Organic food is free of pesticides and herbicides.
Many people choose organic (and GMO-free) because they think it means they are getting food with no herbicides or pesticides. This is absolutely false. Organic farmers also use herbicides and pesticides, but…
“Natural” herbicides and pesticides are always safer than manmade (synthetic) alternatives.
Many people believe that “natural” and “safe” go hand in hand. They don’t. As shown in this toxicity table, many of the most potent toxins on our planet are “natural’ (lower is…
Agriculture is over-regulated and farmers need fewer regulations.
Agriculture is one of the least regulated industries in the U.S., especially when it comes to environmental regulations. The real issue with regulations on agriculture is that they should not be one-size-fits-all,…
Climate-friendly agriculture can’t include livestock.
A sustainable food system can and should include livestock. The shift from diversified farms that incorporated crops and livestock to industrial monocultures and confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) has led to the…
Trees are the biggest carbon “sinks.”
Significant emissions reductions can be achieved by planting trees and ending the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, and we should do everything we can to protect and grow our forests. An even…
Soil has no role in climate change.
Soil has everything to do with the climate![2] Contrary to popular belief, the largest source of U.S. agricultural GhG emissions is not cow burps! It’s soil management — mostly related to the…
Agriculture is the chief cause of climate change.
Agricultural greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions (11% of U.S. GhGs) are modest compared with those from the electricity (25%), transportation (27%) and industrial (24%) sectors. Nonetheless, agriculture’s contribution to climate change is substantial.[1]…
All Farmers Are Rich
Do you hear the farmers among you laughing? I can’t think of a single farmer I’ve known whose goal was to get rich. It’s usually more like, “I hope I can make…
GMOs haven’t been tested and could be dangerous
This is a favored exclamation of those that generally take offense at the very idea of agricultural biotechnology. In the context of food, the term “GMO” (genetically modified organism) means that the…