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  • Canada blocks imports of dairy products.

    Canada does not close the doors to imports. The EU, with heavy subsidies for dairy products, exports 10 times more dairy products to Canada than what it imports from us, even though…

  • Supply management stops Canada from signing free trade agreements.

    Supply management hasn’t stood in the way of Canada’s ability to successfully negotiate trade agreements. Since 1986, Canada has concluded NAFTA and bilateral agreements with Jordan, Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Chile, Israel…

  • Soy is Feminizing

    Many people claim that soy is estrogenic and feminizing because it contains phytoestrogens known as isoflavones. These claims primarily stem from some rodent studies and a couple rare human cases where individuals…

  • All Large Farms are Corporate Farms

    Nearly 97% of our farms are family owned and operated. Many family farms are incorporated for business purposes or to ensure an orderly transition from one generation to the next, but incorporated…

  • Farmers are Destroying the Environment

    This is absolutely not true. In fact, farmers are the original good stewards of land and water resources. These resources are, after all, how they make their living, so it makes sense…

  • There’s No Future In Agriculture

    I’ll admit that for a few years, many of us were concerned about the future of agriculture and the next generation of farmers. But things are changing. Fox News recently ran a…

  • Farmers are Uneducated

    This is a persistent myth and one we need to bust. The days are long gone when you learned everything you needed to know about farming from your grandfather. That doesn’t mean…

  • The Cost of Food Goes Directly Into the Farmer’s Pocket

    A persistent myth in the eyes of the public and the media is that the only factor in food prices is what the farmer charges. Don’t we wish this were true? But…

  • Food Costs Too Much

    In some parts of the world, this is definitely true. It not only costs too much but is unavailable to many people. But in the United States, we have one of the…

  • Our Food Is Unsafe

    Sometimes we get overwhelmed by the headlines of a problem with one commodity or one producer. The reason these stories are called news is because they are not normal. Normal in the…