We don’t need data and analytics.
Being really clear on your financial data is key, and there are various platforms out there to help you do it. Here’s a great example: Last year we hauled our own grain…
We shouldn’t share our ideas.
Sharing challenges and learning from others will help you avoid mistakes. Call it ego or rugged individualism, the biggest downfall for some farmers is their inability to ask for help and learn…
Field overlap is just a part of farming with multiple pieces of farm equipment, especially when fields are irregularly shaped
Guidance and steering systems can significantly lower the amount of overlaps (or skips) in your fields. Not only will you save money on fuel costs, but also will be more accurate with…
The climate has always been changing, this is no different’
It’s true that throughout earth’s 4.5-billion-year history, the climate has changed a lot. What is different is the dramatic and unprecedented scale of climate change. The rate of temperature rise is at…
It’s freezing outside – so much for global warming!’
Weather and climate are not the same. A cold spell in winter is definitely not a valid reason to dismiss global warming. Climate is the average pattern of weather for a particular…
Broken food systems prevent people from getting the nutrition they need
If the world produces enough food to feed its entire population, then why do approximately 1 in 9 people go hungry? Broadly speaking, it’s because the food systems in areas with high…
Ending hunger simply means ensuring that people have enough to eat
Hunger is not just about having enough food; it also involves having the right balance in the type of food we eat so that we get the right combination of nutrients and…
Fact: sometimes there’s enough food in an area, but people still can’t access it
This is another key global hunger myth: Hunger can happen in a community where plenty of food is available. We’ve seen this happen in light of COVID-19-related job and livelihood losses, as…
Hunger is caused by natural disasters and is therefore beyond our control
While natural disasters contribute to hunger levels, food is always available to those who can afford it. Millions of the world’s economically poorest and most vulnerable to shocks live on the edge…
Fact: high-income countries must honour their commitments to climate justice
Climate change is one of the biggest contributors to hunger rates today. Climate change is also a man-made phenomenon. The effects of climate change on our global food systems cannot be reversed.…