Flogging a dead norm? Newspaper coverage of anthropogenic climate change in the United States and United Kingdom from 2003 to 2006
This paper examines the impact of the journalistic norm of ‘balanced’ reporting on the portrayal of scientific consensus regarding human-induced climate change in the US and UK from 2003 to 2006. It…
Boomerang Effects in Science Communication: How Motivated Reasoning and Identity Cues Amplify Opinion Polarization About Climate Mitigation
This paper critiques the deficit model of science communication, which posits that increased dialogue about scientific issues will align public opinion with scientific consensus. Instead, it finds that communication about climate change…
A Cooling Climate for Change? Party Polarization and the Politics of Global Warming
The paper analyzes three cross-sectional polls conducted by the Gallup Organization at ten-year intervals (1990, 2000, and 2010) to examine the growing significance of partisan identification in shaping environmental concerns among the…
Examining the effectiveness of climate change frames in the face of a climate change denial counter-frame
The paper examines how framing anthropogenic climate change (ACC) affects public perceptions, particularly in the context of organized ACC denial present in U.S. media and culture. Through an experiment, the study tests…
Text-mining the signals of climate change doubt.
This study examines organized climate skepticism, focusing specifically on the discourse produced by conservative think tanks in the United States. It provides a systematic overview of contrarian literature by compiling a comprehensive…
Who wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
This paper explores the reasons behind some people’s support for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, focusing on cognitive, economic, and partisan theories. The study, conducted through a survey in central Pennsylvania, finds that…
Perseverance of social theories: The role of explanation in the persistence of discredited information
This paper investigates the phenomenon of unwarranted perseverance of social theories through two experiments involving 130 participants who were presented with case studies about the relationship between risk-taking and success in firefighting.…
Astroturfing global warming: It isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence
This study investigates the phenomenon of astroturf organizations—corporate-sponsored groups that mimic grassroots movements to promote their interests, particularly in the context of global warming. Through an experiment, the research reveals that individuals…
How to talk to a science denier: Conversations with flat earthers, climate deniers, and others who defy reaso
This book examines methods for interacting with people who dismiss scientific findings in favor of ideological beliefs, including those who believe the Earth is flat, deny climate change, or oppose vaccinations. Drawing…
Online misinformation about climate change
The paper examines climate change misinformation, exploring its sources, spread, and impacts. It also discusses how misinformation is driven by various actors and is amplified through social networks, psychological factors, and belief…