Cows are the largest producers of greenhouse gas emissions
Agriculture as a whole makes up only nine percent of total greenhouse gas emissions. Even though agriculture is not the largest contributor, agriculturalists and researchers alike are working to find ways to…
Cows have four stomachs
Cows actually have one stomach with four parts. A cow’s stomach is made up of four compartments that help them digest their food: the rumen, the reticulum, the omasum, and the abomasum.…
Fact: high-income countries must honour their commitments to climate justice
Climate change is one of the biggest contributors to hunger rates today. Climate change is also a man-made phenomenon. The effects of climate change on our global food systems cannot be reversed.…
Hunger is caused by natural disasters and is therefore beyond our control
While natural disasters contribute to hunger levels, food is always available to those who can afford it. Millions of the world’s economically poorest and most vulnerable to shocks live on the edge…
Fact: sometimes there’s enough food in an area, but people still can’t access it
This is another key global hunger myth: Hunger can happen in a community where plenty of food is available. We’ve seen this happen in light of COVID-19-related job and livelihood losses, as…
Ending hunger simply means ensuring that people have enough to eat
Hunger is not just about having enough food; it also involves having the right balance in the type of food we eat so that we get the right combination of nutrients and…
Broken food systems prevent people from getting the nutrition they need
If the world produces enough food to feed its entire population, then why do approximately 1 in 9 people go hungry? Broadly speaking, it’s because the food systems in areas with high…
There simply isn’t enough food to feed the world’s growing population
While there are many legitimate causes of global hunger, a global shortage of food is not one of them. Organizations such as the UN’s World Food Program have proven that the world…
“OK, maybe climate change is real, but there’s nothing to be done—it’s too late.”
It’s true that we don’t have a moment to waste, but it’s not too late. If governments, business, and individuals begin taking drastic action now, we can keep warming within the 1.5C…
“Climate change is good for us.”
It’s hard to even know where to begin to address this statement, especially when you think about the human cost of a warming planet. The evidence points to a clear link between…