Smallholder farmers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards biological control of papaya mealybug in Kenya
the study explores the reasons behind the slow adoption of IPM in developing countries, taking Kenya as a case study, it claims that there is poor involvement of farming communities in the…
Pesticide misuse among small Andean farmers stems from pervasive misinformation by retailers
A study that aimed at exploring the responsibility of pesticide retailers in the misuse of pesticides among farmers, an issue according to the authors not well documented and blame usually directed at…
“Climate smart agriculture” is a dangerous hoax
The article is a statement by La Via Campesina, the world’s largest organization representing peasants and small-scale farmers, expressing their stance of rejection towards climate-smart agriculture
Consumer response to fake news about brands on social media: the effects of self-efficacy, media trust, and persuasion knowledge on brand trust
Triggered by the hoax news regarding Coca-Cola recalling its product Dasani water due to contamination in the USA, the study aims at studying consumer behavior regarding fake news, based on the persuasion…
Believing and acting on fake news related to natural food: the influential role of brand trust and system trust
A study that aims at exploring the impacts of fake news as a risk specifically for natural food brands, in an attempt to help policy makers and brand marketers in taking informed…
Is the Earth Crying Wolf? Exploring Knowledge Source and Certainty in High School Students’ Analysis of Global Warming News
A study on socioscientific issues (SSIs) such as global warming and how they are understood and percieved among highschool children (around 17 years of age), from from a public high in a…
Global Warming: Scam, Fraud, or Hoax?
An article that takes you step by step in approaching the case of global warming from the eyes of skeptics.
Presumed Killers? Vultures, Stakeholders, Misperceptions, And Fake News
A study on the effect of misinformation among livestock farmers regarding vulture behavior which has been fueled by fake news across media and in different countries. The authors make their voices loud…
Misinformation and Its Correction: Continued Influence and Successful Debiasing
An interesting article that discusses the spread of misinformation, the reasons behind it, its impact, costs and suggests strategies to tackle it.
Social Media And Everyday Politics
The book discusses the serious and the mundane aspects of everyday social media, it suggests that the seemingly mundane activities on social media are eventually changing the face of politics and social…