Would I lie to you? Party affiliation is more important than Brexit in processing political misinformation
As per the findings of previous studies regarding elections, this research finds that within the context of the UK factchecking did the job in fighting misinformation, with special reference to party affiliation…
Fake News, Fact Checking, and Partisanship: The Resilience of Rumors in the 2018 Brazilian Elections
A study aimed at studying the effectiveness of fact checking during elections in developing countries, based on the finding that fact checking reduced misinformation during elections in developed countries. the findings suggest…
Countering the “Harmless E-Cigarette” Myth: The Interplay of Message Format, Message Sidedness, and Prior Experience With E-Cigarette Use in Misinformation Correction
the study explores which approach is better in addressing misinfo within the health sector, it suggests that for practical use two issues must be considered, 1 the sidedness, i.e. the narrative of…
Food, culture and identity in Germany’s Century of War
The book is focused around food and food insecurity in Germany during the first, second and cold war times. Chapter 8 specifically discusses “Postwar Food Rumors: Security, Victimhood, and Fear”