Internet use genres: A lens for analyzing patterns of Internet adoption in rural communities of Canada, Chile, and Vietnam
This chapter examines how rural residents in three countries—Canada, Chile, and Vietnam—appropriately use Internet technologies, based on data from previous studies at different stages of digital inclusion. It introduces the concept of…
How to talk to a science denier: Conversations with flat earthers, climate deniers, and others who defy reaso
This book examines methods for interacting with people who dismiss scientific findings in favor of ideological beliefs, including those who believe the Earth is flat, deny climate change, or oppose vaccinations. Drawing…
Should We Be Worried About GMOs?
The article discusses and explores the reasons for the disparity between scientific consensus and public opinion on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). While 88% of scientists from the American Association for the Advancement…
Are the anti-GMO and anti-vaccine movements merging
The article critiques the merging of anti-vaccine and anti-GMO movements, highlighting their shared reliance on pseudoscientific claims. It discusses how anti-GMO groups, like the Organic Consumers Association, are increasingly promoting anti-vaccine propaganda,…
Uninformed and disinformed society and the GMO market
This study investigates the impact of the European Union’s intricate regulatory system on the approval process for genetically modified (GM) crops. The requirement for GMO labeling across all Member States is identified…
Anti-GMO website promotes new conspiracy theory linking GMOs with supposed campaign to ‘eliminate Africans.
The article examines the propagation of a conspiracy theory by anti-GMO activists, which falsely portrays RNA interference (RNAi) as a means of controlling populations, with a specific focus on African Americans. It…
Online misinformation about climate change
The paper examines climate change misinformation, exploring its sources, spread, and impacts. It also discusses how misinformation is driven by various actors and is amplified through social networks, psychological factors, and belief…
Information disorder: The techniques we saw in 2016 have evolved
The article discusses the concept of “information disorder” in the digital age, highlighting how the promise of hyper-connected communities has given way to a polluted information ecosystem. It argues against the use…
How artificial intelligence can detect and create fake news
The article explores the challenges of detecting and combating online fake news, emphasizing how false information spreads more rapidly and widely than accurate content. It discusses how AI and machine learning, which…
Defending Against Neural Fake News
The paper discusses the dual-use concerns of natural language generation technology, highlighting how it can be exploited to create neural fake news that closely mimics real news. It introduces Grover, a model…